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The ghosts of Darkon 3 are quite ghoulish as they hover slowly. They have but two arms that sway as they move, a small tail, and no legs. Glaphans are gray and white or yellow and gray with red eyes. Their heads curve into a small curl upwards and they have large teeth-y smiles. On their faces, where their snout should be, is a small but sharp horn. I wouldn't want to get too close to that.

Locating Glaphan

Glaphans can be found in Southern Darkon 3, on the Western side of the House of Glaphan.


Glaphan Statistics

Name lvl Ele
Small Glaphan 104 Wind.gif
Glaphan 104 Wind.gif
Captain Glaphan 105 Wind.gif
Giant Glaphan 108 Wind.gif


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