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Be careful when you approach a Shuhamma. They have a mechanical elephant feel to them and are made of steel. Sometimes they like to kick back and release a mighty roar, warning all trespassers around them. The colors vary from red and silver to blue and gold. Shuhamma's long snout, accompanied with two large metal tusks, comes to an end with a metal hammer, which they use proudly to thwart you during battle.

Locating Shuhamma

Shuhammas can be found in Southern Darkon 3, to the North of the entrance to the House of Glaphan.


Shuhamma Statistics

Name lvl Ele
Small Shuhamma 100 Electric.gif
Shuhamma 100 Electric.gif
Captain Shuhamma 101 Electric.gif
Giant Shuhamma 104 Electric.gif


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