Giant Flbyrigen

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Giant Flbyrigen

Giant Flbyrigen

If your eye is keen enough to find one, it's going to be a task to keep up with these air torpedoes. Looking like a cross breed between a deep ocean skeleton fish and a gigantic dragon with tiny wings, it's no wonder why they're so hard to defeat. They are purple in skin color, have red eyes, very large intimidating teeth and a dangerous spiked mace on the tip of it's tail. Stay away from these guys and you'll be fine, unless it tries to lure you in with the pretty orb dangling on its forehead!

Locating Giant Flbyrigen

Giant Flbyrigen
Giant Flbyrigennav.jpg

Flbyrigens are located between the island of Saint Morning and The Garden of Rhisis flying above the channel between them.

Giant Flbyrigen Statistics

Name lvl Ele
Giant Flbyrigen 46 Earth.gif


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