Jack The Hammer

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Jack The Hammer

Jack The Hammer

Ho' Huff Ho'! Make way for Jack and his trusty giant silver hammer, which he carries around everywhere. He is short and troll-like with his mountain climbing attire and bristly beard. Be ready to be beaten into a bloody pulp if you want to pick a fight with him.

Locating Jack The Hammer

Jack The Hammer
Jack The Hammernav.jpg

Jack The Hammer has two major spawns. The first is in the Hill of Shade, just south of Pumpkin Town. The second is in Southern Saint Morning, along the path going through the canyon.

Jack The Hammer Statistics

Name lvl Ele
Small Jack The Hammer 29 Fire.gif
Jack The Hammer 29 Fire.gif
Captain Jack The Hammer 30 Fire.gif
Giant Jack The Hammer 33 Electric.gif


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