Assist Armor

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Template:Completed Version

Common Armors


Breezeset.gif Level Defense Breeze Set (Male) Floral Set (Female) Floralset.gif
Icon Name Icon Name
15 51 ~ 53 Cudehat.gif Breeze Helmet FloralHelmet.gif Floral Helmet
64 ~ 66 Cudeboot.gif Breeze Boots FloralBoots.gif Floral Boots
83 ~ 85 Cudegaunt.gif Breeze Gauntlet FloralGauntlet.gif Floral Gauntlet
128 ~ 131 Cudesuit.gif Breeze Suit FloralSuit.gif Floral Suit
Can be obtained from:

(Shield) Bozman in Sain City

Bang, Flybat, Mia, Red Mantis


Galeset.gif Level Defense Gale Set (Male) Iris Set (Female) Irisset.gif
Icon Name Icon Name
24 71 ~ 73 GaleHelmet.gif Gale Helmet IrisHelmet.gif Iris Helmet
89 ~ 91 GaleBoots.gif Gale Boots IrisBoots.gif Iris Boots
115 ~ 117 GaleGauntlet.gif Gale Gauntlet IrisGauntlet.gif Iris Gauntlet
178 ~ 180 GaleSuit.gif Gale Suit IrisSuit.gif Iris Suit
Can be obtained from:

(Shield) Bozman in Sain City

Red Mantis, Giggle Box


Stormset.gif Level Defense Storm Set (Male) Aster Set (Female) Asterset.gif
Icon Name Icon Name
33 101 ~ 103 StormHelmet.gif Storm Helmet AsterHelmet.gif Aster Helmet
126 ~ 129 StormBoots.gif Storm Boots AsterBoots.gif Aster Boots
164 ~ 167 StormGauntlet.gif Storm Gauntlet AsterGauntlet.gif Aster Gauntlet
253 ~ 255 StormSuit.gif Storm Suit AsterSuit.gif Aster Suit
Can be obtained from:

(Shield) Bozman in Sain City

Dumb Bull, Hobo, Totemia


Cloudset.gif Level Defense Cloud Set (Male) Lily Set (Female) Lilyset.gif
Icon Name Icon Name
43 126 ~ 126 CloudHelmet.gif Cloud Helmet LilyHelmet.gif Lily Helmet
157 ~ 158 CloudBoots.gif Cloud Boots LilyBoots.gif Lily Boots
204 ~ 207 CloudGauntlet.gif Cloud Gauntlet LilyGauntlet.gif Lily Gauntlet
314 ~ 316 CloudSuit.gif Cloud Suit LilySuit.gif Lily Suit
Can be obtained from:

(Shield) Phacham at the Darkon 1 Lodelight



Saturnset.gif Level Defense Saturn Set (Male) Lavanda Set (Female) Lavandaset.gif
Icon Name Icon Name
53 146 ~ 147 SaturnHelmet.gif Saturn Helmet LavandaHelmet.gif Lavanda Helmet
182 ~ 185 SaturnBoots.gif Saturn Boots LavandaBoots.gif Lavanda Boots
237 ~ 239 SaturnGauntlet.gif Saturn Gauntlet LavandaGauntlet.gif Lavanda Gauntlet
364 ~ 368 SaturnSuit.gif Saturn Suit LavandaSuit.gif Lavanda Suit
Can be obtained from:

(Shield) Phacham at the Darkon 1 Lodelight

Nutty Wheel, Driller

Rare Armors


Sardineset.gif Level Defense Sardine Set (Male) Curus Set (Female) Curusset.gif
Icon Name Icon Name
15 41 ~ 43 Cudehat.gif Sardine Helmet Highrinhat.gif Curus Helmet
52 ~ 55 Cudeboot.gif Sardine Boots Highrinboot.gif Curus Boots
68 ~ 70 Cudegaunt.gif Sardine Gauntlet Highringaunt.gif Curus Gauntlet
105 ~ 107 Cudesuit.gif Sardine Suit Highrinsuit.gif Curus Suit
1/4: No effect
2/4: DEF +15, DEX +3
3/4: DEF +33, DEX +3, MP +10%, FP +10%
4/4: DEF +33, DEX +3, MP +10%, FP +10%, Att. Speed +10%
Can be obtained from:

(Shield) Boboko in Flarine

Bang, Wagsaac, Rock Muscle, Red Mantis, Giggle Box


Talinset.gif Level Defense Talin Set (Male) Sayram Set (Female) Sayramset.gif
Icon Name Icon Name
30 71 ~ 73 Talinhat.gif Talin Helmet Sayramhat.gif Sayram Helmet
89 ~ 91 Talinboot.gif Talin Boots Sayramboot.gif Sayram Boots
115 ~ 117 Talingaunt.gif Talin Gauntlet Sayramgaunt.gif Sayram Gauntlet
178 ~ 180 Talinsuit.gif Talin Suit Sayramsuit.gif Sayram Suit
1/4: No effect
2/4: DEF +19, INT +5
3/4: DEF +47, INT +5, Deacreased MP Consumption +15%, Deacreased FP Consumption +15%
4/4: DEF +47, INT +5, Deacreased MP Consumption +15%, Deacreased FP Consumption +15%, Crit +10%
Can be obtained from:

(Shield) Boboko in Flarine

Cardpuppet, Tombstonebearer. Prankster, Dumb Bull, Wheelem, Hobo, Totemia


Wedgeset.gif Level Defense Wedge Set (Male) Flury Set (Female) Fluryset.gif
Icon Name Icon Name
45 113 ~ 115 Wedgehat.gif Wedge Helmet Fluryhat.gif Flury Helmet
142 ~ 144 Wedgeboot.gif Wedge Boots Fluryboot.gif Flury Boots
184 ~ 186 Wedgegaunt.gif Wedge Gauntlet Flurygaunt.gif Flury Gauntlet
283 ~ 286 Wedgesuit.gif Wedge Suit Flurysuit.gif Flury Suit
1/4: No effect
2/4: DEF +19, INT +7
3/4: DEF +38, INT +7, Decreased MP Consumption +20%, Decreased FP Consumption +20%
4/4: DEF +38, INT +7, Decreased MP Consumption +20%, Decreased FP Consumption +20%, DCT +30%
Can be obtained from:

(Shield) Boboko in Flarine

Rockepeller, Leyena, Nutty Wheel, Elderguard, Steamwalker, Driller, Volt, Steel Knight


Shurandset.gif Level Defense Shurand Set (Male) Shuran Set (Female) Shuranset.gif
Icon Name Icon Name
60 146 ~ 147 Shurandhat.gif Shurand Helmet Shuranhat.gif Shuran Helmet
182 ~ 185 Shurandboot.gif Shurand Boots Shuranboot.gif Shuran Boots
237 ~ 239 Shurandgaunt.gif Shurand Gauntlet Shurangaunt.gif Shuran Gauntlet
364 ~ 368 Shurandsuit.gif Shurand Suit Shuransuit.gif Shuran Suit
1/4: No effect
2/4: DEF +19
3/4: DEF +45, INT +8
4/4: DEF +45, INT +8, HP +15%
Can be obtained from:

(Shield) Boboko in Flarine

Crane Machinery, Syliaca, Greemong, Boo, Garbagepider, Nautrepy, Carrierbomb, Mushpoie, Hoppre

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